Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We believe in the great commission in the spirit of the great commandment. We are highly involved in missions at many levels international, national and local missions. We have provide opportunities to serve locally and support globally. We are a part of Grace International which has ministries we support working in 107 nations across the globe. We support our local rescue mission and conduct a monthly service there, as well as a weekly Friday night service at a local women's shelter.

Active Missionaries
Steve and Kim Lunn - Bali Indonesia 
Steve and Kim planted a church and are having an amazing impact in Bali Indonesia. We support them financially and spiritually.
Jeff and Barbie David- Cuba 

George and Leela C. - India 
Brother "C" has been supported for 30+ years by The Father's House. Starting in India with a dream, they now oversee over 700 churches and various other ministries including a seminary producing now in the hundreds of trained local pastors serving in India and the surrounding nations.
Jeff Works to strengthen the Cuban evangelical churches by providing theological and educational resources to Cuban pastors and church planters through the use of applied technologies. Jeff has created a network of learning communities in which trained mentors lead cohorts of pastors and church planters through a process of significant learning.
Lucas and Tara Levin- Europe and Middle East 
Lucas and Tara lead Karis Ministries International. The ministry has grown to 87 churches, 5 bible schools, and 3 medical clinics in Europe, Pakistan, and East and West Africa. They are on Radio Air Jesus in 132 nations with a weekly hour-long broadcast and are on several television stations in the Middle East and Africa. Their goal is to expand the ministry through church planting, crusades, and media in Germany, Luxembourg, Pakistan, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, and throughout Africa.